Food: Muthi Kabab [Baked Beef Kabab]

This recipe is so easy yet scrumptious to eat that I have been regularly making these in our kitchen until finally a friend asked me why I didn't have it on my blog! Well here it is now :) 

I have made several variations of this recipe, such as sneaking in minced vegetables or using all ground spices - depending on what the occasion was. I have made these as lunch prep for the whole week and I have also made them for dinner parties. I am telling you this is a very versatile dish and you can make it your own.


3 lb ground beef  :: 1 onion thinly sliced :: 1 cup fried onions :: handful of green chilies minced
handful of mint leaves chopped :: 5/6 garlic cloves minced :: 1" piece of ginger minced
1/2 tsp red chili powder  ::  1/2 tsp turmeric powder :: 1 tbsp coriander powder
2 tbsp cumin powder :: 1 tbsp garam masala :: salt :: just a little bit of oil

In this recipe I have used store bought fried onions because I am lazy and I really like this brand, but I am sure if you used homemade fried onions then the kababs would taste even better. Also feel free to adjust the amount of heat in this dish. I like the heat of the green chilies in this particular kabab which is why I use more of them than the red chili powder.

In terms of oil, you could totally forgo that from this recipe since the ground beef has fat and the fried onions have oil in them. Once the kababs are baked, you will see that all the oil comes out and you can discard it. 

The first thing to do is the mix the spices minus the ground beef. And then I add in the ground beef and mix well. I have used regular ground beef but lean ground beef or ground turkey/chicken would also work. 

The reason these kebabs are called "Muthi Kababs" is because they are shaped by making a fist with your hand. "Muthi" means "making a fist". You only need one hand to make these. You take a fist full of the ground beef mixture and then you press and pump your fist to bring it to shape. Once the kababs are baked they will shrink. So you can really squeeze them in the baking tray. 

No need to oil the baking dish. Just line them up. Set the oven to 425F and bake for a good 45 minutes. This will give the kababs a good crispy shell and a soft interior. Give them a shot and thank me later ;)


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